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We are so inspired by the creativity, interpretation and conceptualization of this year’s theme, HOPE.


From poems to embroidery, sculptures to paintings, this year’s Creatives demonstrated exceptional artistic talent and imagination.

Gold Scholarship Recipients

The Gold Art of the City Scholarships were proudly presented to five creatives in the amount of $1000 for their exceptional artistic achievement and successful expression of HOPE.

Silver Scholarship Recipients

The Silver Art of the City Scholarships were proudly presented to ten creatives in the amount of $500 for their exceptional artistic achievement and successful expression of HOPE.


HOPE: A Creative's Perspective

"I do not believe I am capable of creating a pure distillation of ‘hope’. But I believe I can at least represent what growth feels like, and by extension what we may hope to achieve. I think these steps can be applied broadly, be that to the individual, a group, or to society at large. We often hope to achieve a desirable end state, but at times do not consider what must occur between where we are now and where we want to be."

- C.M

"Through learning and filling our brains with new and adverse information, we are slowly ameliorating ourselves and the futures we plan on having by broadening our range of knowledge on how to solve different problems around our world. To me, hope lies in the knowledge we gain and how we are able to apply it, especially in the hands of the youth who are the future and the promise of tomorrow."

- I.A

"While your environment and even future may look grim you still persevere with the shield of hope. The persistent grasp to something beautiful, a reminder that there's always potential for a single spark of light that burst through the darkness but only if we are open to embrace it. To let that light guide you towards a better future. I really wanted to represent that in my piece"

- Z.M.O

"The bridge is usually perceived as a physical structure but in my artwork, it takes on a more ethereal, symbolic meaning, representing the psychological and emotional ties that bind our dreams and realities. The phrase "Building Bridges" also implies that these are fluid activities. It suggests that hope is not just a passive idea but something we actively cultivate. The maintenance of hope requires focus and resolve, just as constructing a bridge requires effort and planning."

- M.A

"Like many teenagers, I have lost hope and struggled with self- perception because of what other people thought or said about me. I’ve come to realize that we shouldn’t waste our time away worrying about these things because at the end of the day, it only really matters what we think of ourselves"

- N.M

"When we look at the night’s sky, we see a reflection of the past. A hundred years ago when people would wish upon a star, they too saw into the past. What we see is what their future holds. All of their wishes, dreams, and hopes strung into the sky as a projection, constellations dancing and holding the stories of those to give hope. The stars are a gentle blanket covering us as we dream. A light shining in the darkness, illuminating our way from smothering abyss. Millions of eyes, watching, protecting in millions of ways. Keeping us, allowing our hope."

- J.W

Featured Past Theme: CHAOS

Art Of The City - Isabella Dansereau.jpg


"It only truly comes out when I partake in my most routine and least chaotic tasks."

- I.D

Twilight Whispers-Catherine Gao_edited.jpg


"The chaos of the pre-sunrise period is silently lost as the rising sun dawns."

- C.G



"It is our thoughts and how we enjoy life, and the thoughts we actually act on."

- J.L



"I want the viewer of the drawing to interpret the words on their faces in their own way."

- N.R

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